November 25, 2023
Action Alert regarding Lake County Forest Preserves!
Make sure the lands purchased and paid for with your tax dollars for decades are preserved IN PERPETUITY as promised.
Contact your Lake County Forest Preserve Commissioner and tell them “DO NOT SELL OUR PUBLIC LANDS”!
Currently, Lake County Forest Preserve Commissioners are considering selling 52 acres of the Waukegan Savanna. Last week, the League of Women Voters of Lake County gave testimony at the Lake County Forest Preserve meeting as to why the Commissioners, as guardians, must not sell the public’s land. If you would like more information, please contact Mary Mathews (timmary747@aol.com or 847-295-1494).
LWV-LC is asking for grassroots help from our local league members. It is easy and fast to contact your commissioner. After you have done so, please let Mary know.
Lake Forest is divided into 3 districts, Lake Bluff and Knollwood are in another district. Your Lake County Board district is listed on your voter registration card. Also, your district for your address can be looked up here: https://lakecountyil.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=c33f0644269c42f0b22120d7806d319d
Paul Frank, Commissioner District 11, Lake Forest.
Email: PFrank@lakecountyil.gov
Office phone: 224-707-1101
Paras Parekh, Commissioner District 12, Lake Forest
Email: PParekh@lakecountyil.gov
Phone: 847-946-6832
Ann Maine, Commissioner District 3, Lake Forest
Email: AMaine@lakecountyil.gov
Phone: 847-857-1732
Sandy Hart, Commissioner District 13, Lake Bluff and Knollwood
Email: smhart@lakecountyil.gov
Office phone: 847-377-2300
Cell phone: 224-545-6591
Click Here for More Information